2. Null in C# 8

The story is simple in C# if you forget about anything before C# 8. Neither value types nor reference types can be null. The types whose values can be null are only nullable value types and nullable reference types such as int?, string?, etc. But, as you might expect, various traps are waiting for you.

Nullable value types and nullable reference types

C# has value types and reference types, both of which have nullable types and non-nullable types.

If T is a value type and non-nullable, then T? is a nullable value type†1. The notation of T? is a syntax sugar and its actual type is Nullable<T> (struct). Therefore, T and T? are different types at run time as well as at compile time. The T?, that is, Nullable<T> is a nullable type. Unlike Java's Optional<T>, both T? and Nullable<T> prohibit nesting. The C# compiler achieves this by treating Nullable<T> types specially. Note that instances of the nullable value type are immutable objects.

†1 Nullable value types have been available since C# 2.0.

In contrast, if T is a reference type and non-nullable, then T? is a nullable reference type†2. The compiler only distinguishes between T and T?. At run time, T and T? is the same thing (that is, T?, which was called reference types before C# 8). And, of course, T? is a nullable type.

†2 From C# 8, nullable reference types have been available, making traditional reference types non-nullable reference types. However, there are some tricks to keep backward compatibility and the default setting is to do so.

These can be summarized as follows:

Non-nullable types Nullable types
Value types Non-nullable value types
(e.g., int)
Nullable value types
(e.g., int?, Nullable<int>)
Reference types Nullable value types
(e.g., string
Nullable reference types
(e.g., string?)

Null checks for expressions of reference types

The following table summarizes how to see whether the expression expr is null:

How is null is not null
Equality operators expr == null expr != null
is pattern matching expr is null !(expr is null)
Property pattern !(expr is {}) expr is {}

C# 9 also allows expr is not null.

Nullable reference types at compile time and run time

We described that “the compiler only distinguishes” between the nullable and non-nullable reference types. But in practice, it is not so simple. The compiler does not only distinguish between them but also treat them similarly, depending on the context. For example, the following class results in a compilation error:

public class RaiseCS0111
    public void M(string name)

    public void M(string? name)

See errors

Let R be a non-nullable reference type, and when the compiler considers the method signatures, it regards R and R? as the same type. Thus, M(string) and M(string?) have the same signature, so the compilation fails.

On the other hand, when it comes to overriding methods since the signatures are identical, then the compiler distinguishes between R and R? so that it warns against the following code:

public class Base
    public virtual void M(string? name)

public sealed class RaiseCS8610 : Base
    public override void M(string name)

See warnings

Contrariwise, if you override M(string) with M(string?), the compiler doesn't warn. This is because the Liskov substitution principle [1] is applied.

Roughly speaking, the compiler does as follows:

  1. Ignore ? in R? and compile ➜ If there are errors, output them
  2. Then, run the data flow analysis on nullability, considering ? in R? ➜ If there are warnings, output them

If you find this hard to understand, consider that ? in R? does not represent a type, but an attribute that exists only at compile time (e.g., [MaybeNull]). In other words, convert the following code:

string? foo;

to as follows, just in your brain:

[MaybeNull] string foo;

In such a case, it is easier to understand that the annotation is added to variables and parameters rather than ? represents the type.

The trouble is that there is no distinction between R and R? at run time. For example, let's consider the following code:

public static void Main() {
    var array = new[]
        "abc", null, "def",
    var all = array.OfType<string?>()
    foreach (var s in all)


If you look at the result, there are just two lines of output, and so all does not contain null. In other words, OfType<R>() and OfType<R?>() have the same result. Looking at the reference implementation, OfType<T>() only returns elements that match T with is pattern matching. In the first place, specifying R? with is pattern matching results in a compilation error as follows:

public class RaiseCS8650
    public void M(object? o)
        if (o is string?)

See errors

Now, let's try is pattern matching with the type parameter T as follows:

public class C
    public static void M<T>(object? o)
        if (o is T)

    public static void Main()


The result is true and false. It shows that specifying R? for the type parameter T with is pattern matching is equivalent to specifying R. This is a natural consequence since is pattern matching determines the type at run time, and ? disappears at run time by type erasure [2]. However, as shown in the example of OfType<T>(), there are some cases where we are easy to misunderstand. If you write your original methods, of course, you can prevent specifying R? for T with type constraints, as described below. On the other hand, for APIs in the standard library such as LINQ, the user needs to be careful whether they determine T at run time.

Default values

Let's consider the null object pattern, discussed in the Java part, again in C#:

public sealed class Program
    private static readonly Action DoNothing = () => {};

    private readonly Func<char, Action> toAction;

    public Program()
        var map = new Dictionary<char, Action>()
            ['h'] = MoveCursorLeft,
            ['j'] = MoveCursorDown,
            ['k'] = MoveCursorUp,
            ['l'] = MoveCursorRight,
        toAction = c => map.TryGetValue(c, out var action)
            ? action
            : DoNothing;

    public void HandleKeyInput()
        var c = GetPressedKey();
        var action = toAction(c);


Like the example in Java, null does not appear. It's great, but there is a little bit of concern.

When the TryGetValue(TKey, out TValue) method of Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class returns false, what is the value of action? As Action is a non-nullable type, you might assume that action should never be null. But the answer is null. The API reference states as follows:

value TValue
When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.

The default value of the reference type is null, so it is as the specification says. To justify this, or rather to teach it to the compiler, .NET Core 3.0 added a new special attribute to the TryGetValue†3. Specifically, the second parameter is annotated with the MaybeNullWhenAttribute as follows:

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TValue value)

†3 Confirmed with .NET Core SDK 3.0.100-preview9.

[MaybeNullWhen(false)] tells the compiler that “When the return value of the method is false, the parameter can be null even if the type of the parameter is a non-nullable reference type.” This allows the compiler to warn the code that accesses parameters of non-nullable reference types without a null check, on the path where the return value of the method is false.

In short, the standard library, which debuted before non-nullable reference types were born, is designed with the assumption that the value of the reference types can be null, so it is somewhat incompatible with non-null reference types. Therefore, the C# language designers bravely added the new attributes to the standard library that correspond to the annotations of the Checker Framework in Java and updated the compiler to track nullability.

To solve that, at first glance, it seems that you could change the signature as follows:

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue? value)

However, this doesn't work. The reason is explained in detail in the article on Microsoft Developer Blogs, Try out Nullable Reference Types [3].

To summarize:

Types Examples Can be null? default
V int, bool Never 0, false, etc.
V?, Nullable<V> int?, Nullable<int> Yes null
R string Yes null
R? string? Yes null

where V and R are used as the non-nullable value and reference types, respectively.


Now consider an operation to retrieve the first element in an array that meets the criteria. Take a look at the following code:

var firstFavorite = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }

// 'firstFavorite' can be 'null' ... Hmm!?
if (firstFavorite is {})

// Or
if (firstFavorite is string s)

The FirstOrDefault() method returns default(T) if IEnumerable<T> which this represents is empty, otherwise it returns the first element. And the type of its return value is T. In this example, T is a non-nullable reference type, string, so it returns null for the empty IEnumerable<string>. This was usual before C# 8, but now unusual. Because, although the return value may be null if its type is string?, it must not be null if string.

The return value of FirstOrDefault() should be annotated with the MaybeNullAttribute to allow the return value to be null as follows:

[return: MaybeNull]
public static TSource FirstOrDefault<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)

[return: MaybeNull] tells the compiler that “The return value of a method can be null, even if its type is a non-nullable reference type.” This allows the compiler to warn code that accesses the return value of the method without a null check.

Of course, you can use DefaultIfEmpty(defaultValue).First() instead of FirstOrDefault(). However, unless you can use the return value in such a way as to do with the null object pattern, after all, it is necessary to compare the return value with defaultValue.

Again, let's dare to write as follows:

var firstFavorite = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }
foreach (var s in firstFavorite)

// Or...
var firstOrEmpty = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }
if (firstOrEmpty.Length > 0)
    var s = firstOrEmpty[0];

To digress a little from the topic of null, Take(1) is sometimes more useful than FirstOrDefault(). It is when the element type T is a value type. If the value of default(T) is unwieldy, it may be happy for you to deal with IEnumerable<T> containing at most one element rather than the default value. (It was no more than a way of thinking to get a better understanding in the Java part, but it's practical in C#.)

The options for dealing with at most one (i.e., zero or one) in C# are as follows:

Number of instances Nullable types/Comprehensions null/Alternatives
At most 1 T? null
0 or more T[] Array.Empty<T>
0 or more IEnumerable<T> Enumerable.Empty<T>

Implicit and explicit operators for nullable value types

With nullable value types, you can assign not only an expression of type T? and null but also an expression of type T to a variable of type T?. This is because the implicit operator of type Nullable<T> representing the conversion from T? to T applies. For example, if T is int:

int? v1 = null;
int? v2 = 123;

Values on the right side are implicitly converted to type Nullable<int>. (The implicit operator to convert from int to int? applies.) That is, it is equivalent to:

var v1 = new Nullable<int>();
var v2 = new Nullable<int>(123);


On the contrary, assigning an expression of type T? to a variable of type T requires an explicit type conversion (i.e., the explicit operator to convert from T? to T). So, the following example results in compilation errors:

int? maybeInt = 123;
int intValue = maybeInt;

See errors

It can be done without the errors if you use the explicit type conversions (i.e., casts to int) as follows:

int? maybeInt = 123;
var intValue = (int)maybeInt;

However, this is equivalent to the following code:

int? maybeInt = 123;
var intValue = maybeInt.Value;


The Value property of Nullable<T> returns the value if the object has that. Otherwise, it throws the exception InvalidOperationException. Thus, you should be careful that the explicit type conversions also throw an exception if there is no value at converting to type T.

Checking the presence of a value for nullable value types

You can check whether an expression of type Nullable<T> has a value, using the HasValue property as follows:

int? maybeInt = ...
if (maybeInt.HasValue) {
    var intValue = maybeInt.Value;

Alternatively, you can also check that, comparing an expression of type T with null as follows:

int? maybeInt = ...
// The next statement is equivalent to 'if (maybeInt is {}) {'
// or 'if (!(maybeInt is null)) {'
if (maybeInt != null) {
    var intValue = maybeInt.Value;

You can also apply pattern matching:

int? maybeInt = ...
// The next statement is equivalent to 'if (maybeInt is int intValue) {'
if (maybeInt is {} intValue) {


Note that there is no Value or HasValue property for nullable reference types. Again, for nullable reference types, this is obvious because T and T? are virtually the same type. However, of course, comparison with null and pattern matching can be applied in the same way.

Lifted operators for nullable value types

The nullable value type allows you to apply operators of type T as is to type T?. The operators of type T which are applied to type T? are called lifted operators.

The result of the operations is an object of type T?, which has no value if either or both operands have no value (i.e., null), or which has the value of the result of the operation if both operands have the value. For example, if a and b are objects of type int?, the following code:

var c = a + b;

is almost equivalent to as follows:

// You can also use '&&' instead of '&'.
var c = (a.HasValue & b.HasValue)
    ? new Nullable<int>(a.Value + b.Value)
    : new Nullable<int>();


However, only the operations of type bool? are subject to special rules. See Nullable Boolean logical operators for more information.

Boxing and unboxing nullable value types

For the nullable value types, boxing an object of type T? results in null if the object has no value, otherwise the result of boxing the value of type T that the object has. Here is an example:

int? maybeInt = ...
object boxedInt = maybeInt;

This is equivalent to the following code:

int? maybeInt = ...
var boxedInt = (maybeInt.HasValue)
    ? (object)maybeInt.Value
    : null;


An object boxing a value of type T can also be unboxed into another object of type T?. Here is an example:

int intValue = ...
object boxedInt = intValue;
int? maybeInt = (int?)boxedInt;

Note that there is no boxing or unboxing for nullable reference types, of course, because they are reference types.

?. and ?[] operators

?. and ?[] operators are the null-conditional operators†4.

†4 According to Wikipedia [4], an operator with the same meaning as this operator is defined in other programming languages, but for now, its terminology varies from language to language.

When expr is an expression of nullable types, expr?.Member is “access to Member of expr only if expr is not null.” If expr is null, there is no access to Member, and the expression results in null unless Member is of type void.

Similarly, expr?[index] is “access to the indexer this[int] of expr only if expr is non-null.” If expr is null, the expression results in null without access to this[int].

Both result in compilation errors if expr is of non-nullable value types.

More precisely, if it is unknown at compile time whether the type of Member or this[int] is a reference or value type (for example, if it is a generic type parameter and it has no type constraint), it results in a compilation error.

See errors

To summarize:

The type of expr expr The result of expr?.Member, expr?[int]
Nullable types or Non-
nullable reference types
null Nothing if the type is void, null otherwise
not null expr.Member, expr[int]
Non-nullable value types never null A compilation error

For example, if Member represents invoking “a method that returns void,” or “a delegate such as Action,” the result is similar to as follows†5:

if (expr is {})

Otherwise, as long as Member returns a value or reference, it is null if expr is null, or expr.Member if expr is not null. Assuming that R and V are non-nullable reference types and non-nullable value types respectively, the results are as follows:

The type of
The result simular to expr?.Member†5 The type of
the expression
R/R? (expr is null) ? null : expr.Member R?
V (expr is null) ? (V?)null : expr.Member V?
V? (expr is null) ? null : expr.Member V?

For an indexer, it is null if expr is null, or expr[index] if expr is not null. Similarly, with R and V, the results are as follows:

The type of
The result simular to expr?[index]†5 The type of
the expression
R/R? (expr is null) ? null : expr[index] R?
V (expr is null) ? (V?)null : expr[index] V?
V? (expr is null) ? null : expr[index] V?

†5 In both expr?.Member and expr?[index], expr is evaluated only once.

However, unlike Swift, if you use ?. and ?[] as l-values, you get compilation errors as follows:

public sealed class Program
    public static void Main()
        var m = new Program();

        // Sets values with 'SetBar()' and 'SetChar()'
        // if 'MaybeFoo' is not 'null'
        m.MaybeFoo?.SetChar(0, 'h');

        // The next statements result in compilation errors,
        // even if we wish the same result as above.
        m.MaybeFoo?.Bar = "hello";
        m.MaybeFoo?[0] = 'h';

    public Foo? MaybeFoo { get; set; }

    public sealed class Foo
        private char[] table = {};

        public string Bar { get; set; } = "";

        public char this[int k]
            get => table[k];
            set => table[k] = value;

        public void SetBar(string newBar)
            => Bar = newBar;

        public void SetChar(int k, char c)
            => this[k] = c;


In particular, when the type of Member or this[int] is non-nullable, the ?. and ?[] operators perform operations to cause null to land. In other words, it is possible that these operators cause ? infection so that R? and V?, which did not exist before, are born newly. Therefore, these are operations to defer disposition of null. They are similar to such as the misuse of null object patterns, catching NullReferenceException (NRE), etc., so they might cause null to slip through null checks in unexpected places. Hence, we should not use ?. and ?[] (instead of . and []) easily.

?? and ??= operators

?? and ??= operators are the null-coalescing operator†6 and null-coalescing assignment operator, respectively.

†6 Like null-conditional operators, other programming languages also have operators defined with the same meaning. See Wikipedia [5].

expr1 ?? expr2†7 is equivalent to as follows:

(expr1 is {}) ? expr1 : expr2

However, expr1 is evaluated only once in the case of expr1 ?? expr2.

If expr1 is of nullable value types, ?? operators do operation similar to GetValueOrDefault(T) method of Nullable<T>, except that expr2 is evaluated only if expr1 is null.

expr1 ?? throw new Exception()†7 throws an exception when expr1 is null, otherwise it is an expression that returns expr1.

variable ??= expr†7 is equivalent to as follows:

if (variable is null)
    variable = expr;

†7 If expr1 or variable is of non-nullable value types, a compilation error occurs.

See errors

In particular, if expr2 is of non-nullable types, ?? operators prevent null from the landing. They dispose of null. Conversely, if expr2 is of nullable types, we should not use ?? operators easily, as well as ?. and ?[] operators.

! postfix operators

null-forgiveness operators or null forgiving operators treat an expression of nullable reference types (e.g., null itself or the expression that can be null) as that of non-nullable reference types. (It is substantially a directive to the compiler so as not to issue the warnings.) You can place postfix ! with an expression of nullable reference types to suppress the warnings, as follows:

public sealed class Foo
    public Foo()
        // 'NonNullable = null;' causes the warning.
        NonNullable = null!;

    public string NonNullable { get; }

    public void RaiseNoWarnings()
        string? maybeNull = null;

        // 'string t = maybeNull;' causes the warning.
        string t = maybeNull!;

        // 'var n = maybeNull.Length;' causes the warning.
        var n = maybeNull!.Length;

See warnings

Just to be sure, don't postfix ! if you don't understand the compiler's warning and just want to clear it. If you do that, you should be surprised later.

The compiler ignores ! if you postfix ! with an expression of non-nullable types. Note also that the postfix ! with nullable value types just suppresses warnings (unlike Unconditional Unwrapping in Swift). If you postfix !, as if it were the Value property of Nullable<T> to get a value (or throw an exception if there is no value), however, you will not get the value but just a compilation error.

See errors

Constraints of generic type parameters

Type parameters are troublesome. Suppose there is a class Foo<T>. So its type parameter T may not only be a non-nullable type such as int or string but also a nullable type such as int? or string?. Therefore, parameters and return values of type T? go wrong. The types that have a generic type parameter T and contain the T? types result in compilation error as follows:

public sealed class Foo<T>
    // Uncommenting the next line will remove the errors:
    // where T : class
    // or:
    // where T : struct
    public T? Default { get; } = default;

    public void DoSomething(T? t)

    public void DoAnything()
        T? bar;

See errors

Limiting the type parameter T to a non-nullable reference type (class) or a non-nullable value type (struct) with type constraints resolves these errors.

That is, we must clear it whether T? is in truth a reference type T or a value type Nullable<T>. It's like an oath or a curse in C#.

There is also notnull constraint representing that the type parameter T is a non-nullable type. This is something like “class or struct.” If T has a notnull constraint, Foo<T> also cannot have the T? types because it is unclear whether T is a reference type or a value type. And if you restrict the T of Foo<T> to be notnull, of course, you should no longer specify a nullable type for T. Let's check it out it the following code:

public sealed class Foo<T>
    where T : notnull
    public Foo(T t)

public static class Foo
    public static Foo<T> NewFoo<T>(T t)
        where T : notnull
        => new Foo<T>(t);

    public static void RaiseWarnings(string? maybeNull)
        _ = NewFoo(1);
        _ = NewFoo("a");

        int? i = 1;
        string? notNull = "a";

        _ = NewFoo(notNull);
        // The next two lines cause the warnings.
        _ = NewFoo(i);
        _ = NewFoo(maybeNull);

See warnings

It is an interesting feature of nullable reference types that NewFoo(notNull) does not cause the warnings. The type inference treats even the expressions of type string? as of type string, as long as the data flow analysis believes that the value should never be null. On the other hand, this never happens for value types.

Finally, although it is complicated, there is also a class? constraint. If T has a class? constraint, Foo<T> cannot contain any T? type because T itself is a nullable type. However, you can assign a reference type to T regardless of whether it is nullable or not.

The above is summarized as follows:

Constraint of T Foo<T> contains T? Foo<V> Foo<V?> Foo<R> Foo<R?>
Nothing A compilation error
where T : class OK
where T : class? A compilation error
where T : struct OK
where T : notnull A compilation error

where R is a non-nullable reference type, and V is a non-nullable value type.

typeof operator

The typeof operator cannot be used on a nullable reference type. This topic is similar to is pattern matching and, for example, typeof(string?) results in a compilation error.

See errors

In contrast, typeof(int?) returns the Type object representing Nullable<int>. With the results of object.GetType(), to summarize:

// 'Console.WriteLine(typeof(string?));'
// results in a compilation error. 

// System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]

string? s = "a";
// System.String

int? i = 1;
// System.Int32


Again, if you evaluate typeof(T) with specifying R? for the type parameter T, the result is typeof(R).


  1. Wikipedia, Behavioral subtyping

  2. Wikipedia, Type erasure

  3. Microsoft Developer Blogs, Try out Nullable Reference Types

  4. Wikipedia, Safe navigation operator

  5. Wikipedia, Null coalescing operator