Attempt #1
ssh-agent with Windows runners

Note that if you do not plan to use Windows runners, it is not worth reading at all thereafter.

Clone another private repository

While running a job in GitHub Actions for repository A, we want to create the steps to check out or clone another private repository B that is different from A. An easy way, not limited to Windows runners, would be to use the marketplace actions/checkout as follows:

    - name: Checkout private repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v4
        repository: maroontress-tomohisa/private-repository-example
        ssh-key: ${{secrets.PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY}}
        path: private-repository-example
    - name: Print
      shell: bash
      run: |
        cat private-repository-example/

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We shall use the deploy key to access repository B. Let the URL of repository B be Then assume that we have configured repository B properly with the public key of the deploy key and that we have configured repository A properly with the private key of the deploy key in the secrets of repository A, which can be referenced by secret.PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY in the workflow.

The first step is to check out repository B to private-repository-example. The next step is to output the contents of in repository B for check.

The result is as follows:

Run actions/checkout@v4
Syncing repository: maroontress-tomohisa/private-repository-example
Getting Git version info

Temporarily overriding HOME='D:\a\_temp\d3f120f5-cde6-43a2-b847-7146107be8b8' before making global git config changes
Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" config --global --add D:\a\try_out_github_actions\try_out_github_actions\private-repository-example
Initializing the repository
Disabling automatic garbage collection
Setting up auth
Determining the default branch
Fetching the repository
Determining the checkout info
Checking out the ref
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log -1 --format='%H'
# An Example of Private Repository

Results in GitHub Actions

It succeeded. The last line is the exact content of

Thus, we can use actions/checkout to check out another private repository. However, if you need to check out repository B in the same way in your local environment, you want to prepare some script and check it out with that script. Then, what you describe in the workflow file can only be executed in GitHub Actions, so you have to manage them twice. It may be a better idea to create something that converts the workflow file so that you can run it locally, but let's look into other ways to do this.

Clone another private repository with ssh-agent

We try the same thing, this time using ssh-agent. You can do it by adding an entry to ~/.ssh/config instead, but we will attempt that in a later section.

First, check how the ssh-agent related commands are installed on the Windows runner:

    - name: Check commands
      shell: bash
      run: |
        ls -l `which ssh`
        ls -l `which ssh-add`
        ls -l `which ssh-agent`
        ls -l `which git`

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The result is as follows:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 runneradmin 197121 958822 Aug 30 09:46 /usr/bin/ssh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 runneradmin 197121 441485 Aug 30 09:46 /usr/bin/ssh-add
-rwxr-xr-x 1 runneradmin 197121 415546 Aug 30 09:46 /usr/bin/ssh-agent
-rwxr-xr-x 4 runneradmin 197121 3830264 Aug 30 09:49 /mingw64/bin/git

Results in GitHub Actions

There are several implementations of ssh-agent on Windows, but the one in the PATH is from Git for Windows.

Running ssh-agent as usual will result in the following:

    - name: Start ssh-agent
      shell: bash
      run: |
        eval `ssh-agent`

View on GitHub

eval `ssh-agent` sets the environment variables SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID. The last two lines append these variables to $GITHUB_ENV to enable them in subsequent steps (see Setting Environment Variables for details).

The result is as follows:

Agent pid 433

Results in GitHub Actions

Since ssh-agent is now running in the background, the next step is to add the deploy key to the agent with the ssh-add command:

    - name: Add a deploy key
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
        echo "${{secrets.PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY}}" > $HOME/.ssh/PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY
        ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY

View on GitHub

The first two lines create the ~/.ssh directory and save the private key there as a file.

The result is as follows:

Identity added: /c/Users/runneradmin/.ssh/PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY (

Results in GitHub Actions

We added it successfully. The comment on the SSH key is in parentheses. Although we created this deploy key using the repository URL in the comment, it is currently not usable. So we will ignore it for now and use it in a later section to access multiple private repositories.

To be sure, check the added key with ssh-add -l as follows:

    - name: List fingerprints
      shell: bash
      run: |
        ssh-add -l

View on GitHub

The result is as follows:

3072 SHA256:EHYsJhMvV2X03sbEYcAH3w7MNft1lra8M/ZSF0XMr5k (RSA)

Results in GitHub Actions

Usually, you should now be able to run git clone. Let's clone it as follows:

    - name: Clone the private repository (which fails)
      continue-on-error: true
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-repository-example/

View on GitHub

The last line intends to show if the clone succeeds, but it is meaningless because the cloning fails. The result is as follows:

Cloning into 'private-repository-example'...
Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Error: Process completed with exit code 128.

Results in GitHub Actions

The reason for this error is simple: the SSH public key for is not in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. No, in the first place, ~/.ssh/known_hosts does not exist. Let's create known_hosts as follows:

    - name: Perform workarounds (create ~/.ssh/known_hosts)
      shell: bash
      run: |
        rm -rf private-repository-example
        cat << EOF > $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-rsa 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

View on GitHub

And then clone it again as follows:

    - name: Clone a private repository
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-repository-example/

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The result is as follows:

Cloning into 'private-repository-example'...
# An Example of Private Repository

Results in GitHub Actions

The clone is successful.

Until recently, it was necessary to set the environment variable GIT_SSH at this stage, but now it is no longer necessary. The world of GitHub Actions seems to be getting a little better.

Clone another private LFS repository

Now we clone another private repository C. However, repository C uses Git LFS. Yes, although there was no description, repository B in the previous section did not use LFS.

Let the URL of repository C be Then, as well as repository B, assume that we have configured repository C properly with the public key of the deploy key and that we have configured repository A properly with the private key of the deploy key in the secrets of repository A, which can be referenced by secret.PRIVATE_LFS_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY in the workflow.

At first glance, it looks like it could be done the same way as in the previous section, only changing the URL and secret variables. Run the steps as follows:

    - name: Start ssh-agent
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
        cat << EOF > $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-rsa 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
        eval `ssh-agent`
    - name: Add a deploy key
      shell: bash
      run: |
        ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/PRIVATE_LFS_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY
    - name: List fingerprints
      shell: bash
      run: |
        ssh-add -l
    - name: Clone a private repository with LFS
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-lfs-repository-example/
        unzip -v private-lfs-repository-example/

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The root of private repository C contains If the last line of output is OK, the clone is successful. The result is as follows:

Agent pid 56
Identity added: /c/Users/runneradmin/.ssh/PRIVATE_LFS_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY (
3072 SHA256:61EFfTJR56r9rX3u9EGG/HrvPcejWJTR0VLssfIpBzg (RSA)
Cloning into 'private-lfs-repository-example'...
# An Example of Private Repository with LFS
Archive:  private-lfs-repository-example/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-10-06 06:44 00000000  empty
--------          -------  ---                            -------
       0                0   0%                            1 file

Results in GitHub Actions

The clone is successful.

Until recently, it was also necessary to set the environment variable GIT_SSH at this stage, but now it is no longer necessary.

Note that if you use actions/checkout, you need to add the option lfs: true as follows:

    - name: Checkout private LFS repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v4
        repository: maroontress-tomohisa/private-lfs-repository-example
        ssh-key: ${{secrets.PRIVATE_LFS_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY}}
        lfs: true
        path: private-lfs-repository-example

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Results in GitHub Actions

Clone multiple private repositories

Next, we want to access the two repositories B and C, during the job of repository A. If we use actions/checkout, we can just put the two steps together, but can we do this with ssh-agent?

It is possible to add multiple keys to ssh-agent with ssh-add. However, ssh will only apply keys to the connection one at a time in order, such as “if a connection fails, try the next key” and so on.

The following is a quoted description of webfactory/ssh-agent in the marketplace:

There's one caveat, though: SSH servers may abort the connection attempt after a number of mismatching keys have been presented. So if, for example, you have six different keys loaded into the ssh-agent, but the server aborts after five unknown keys, the last key (which might be the right one) will never even be tried.

So, if you use ssh-agent to check out multiple repositories, you need to repeat “add deploy key, check out, remove deploy key” as follows:

  • Add the key of repository B with ssh-add
  • Clone repository B
  • Remove the key of repository B with ssh-add -d
  • Add the key of repository C with ssh-add
  • Clone repository C
  • Remove the key of repository C with ssh-add -d

By the way, it would be common to be able to clone two repositories without using deploy keys when building in a local environment. Since we want to check out repositories even in a workflow file using the same procedure as in the local environment, let's stop using ssh-agent and try another method.

Since repositories B and C are on the same host, this requires a bit more effort (this is a common story, not limited to GitHub Actions, so please ask ChatGPT or someone for details). To summarize, it is a technique that uses the url.<base>.instantOf function in git config and the Host and Hostname functions in ~/.ssh/config, assigns a unique fake hostname to each repository in the Git layer, converts the fake hostname to in the SSH layer, and associates the fake host with the SSH key of the corresponding repository as follows:

    - name: Create ~/.ssh/known_hosts
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
        cat << EOF > $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCj7ndNxQowgcQnjshcLrqPEiiphnt+VTTvDP6mHBL9j1aNUkY4Ue1gvwnGLVlOhGeYrnZaMgRK6+PKCUXaDbC7qtbW8gIkhL7aGCsOr/C56SJMy/BCZfxd1nWzAOxSDPgVsmerOBYfNqltV9/hWCqBywINIR+5dIg6JTJ72pcEpEjcYgXkE2YEFXV1JHnsKgbLWNlhScqb2UmyRkQyytRLtL+38TGxkxCflmO+5Z8CSSNY7GidjMIZ7Q4zMjA2n1nGrlTDkzwDCsw+wqFPGQA179cnfGWOWRVruj16z6XyvxvjJwbz0wQZ75XK5tKSb7FNyeIEs4TT4jk+S4dhPeAUC5y+bDYirYgM4GC7uEnztnZyaVWQ7B381AK4Qdrwt51ZqExKbQpTUNn+EjqoTwvqNj4kqx5QUCI0ThS/YkOxJCXmPUWZbhjpCg56i+2aB6CmK2JGhn57K5mj0MNdBXA4/WnwH6XoPWJzK5Nyu2zB3nAZp+S5hpQs+p1vN1/wsjk=
    - name: Add deploy keys
      shell: bash
      run: |
        add_key() {
          win_key="$(cygpath -w $key)"
          echo "$2" > "$key"
          ssh-keygen -y -f $key > $
          read a b comment < $
          echo comment: $comment
          echo url: $url
          echo git config --global url."${new_url}".insteadOf "${url}"
          git config --global url."${new_url}".insteadOf "${url}"
          cat << EOF >> $HOME/.ssh/config

        Host ${new_host_path%%:*}
          IdentityFile $win_key
          IdentitiesOnly yes
    - name: Print git config
      shell: bash
      run: git config --global --list
    - name: Print ssh config
      shell: bash
      run: cat $HOME/.ssh/config
    - name: Clone a private repository
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-repository-example/
    - name: Clone another private repository with LFS
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-lfs-repository-example/
        unzip -v private-lfs-repository-example/

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It's a bit long, but not too difficult. In the Add deploy keys step, change the configuration with git config and create entries in ~/.ssh/config for each deploy key. We use the SSH key's comment mentioned in the previous section here. By embedding the URL to the key as a comment, we do not need to specify the key and URL pair. The result is as follows:

git config --global
git config --global

  IdentityFile C:\Users\runneradmin\.ssh\PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY
  IdentitiesOnly yes

  IdentityFile C:\Users\runneradmin\.ssh\PRIVATE_LFS_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY
  IdentitiesOnly yes
Cloning into 'private-repository-example'...
# An Example of Private Repository
Cloning into 'private-lfs-repository-example'...
# An Example of Private Repository with LFS
Archive:  private-lfs-repository-example/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-10-06 06:44 00000000  empty
--------          -------  ---                            -------
       0                0   0%                            1 file

Results in GitHub Actions

After checking the contents of git config and ~/.ssh/config, we check out repositories B and C. We have done it correctly.

The official GitHub documentation also introduces a different but similar way to handle multiple deploy keys in Using multiple repositories on one server. However, this method also requires you to change your local ~/.ssh/config and specify a fake URL as the repository URL when you run git clone. If you want no further trouble, it's best to steer clear of this.

Clone multiple private repositories with webfactory/ssh-agent

However, creating such a contrivance step in a workflow file can be quite tedious and time-consuming. Let's try to achieve the same thing using the marketplace webfactory/ssh-agent as follows:

    - name: webfactory/ssh-agent
      uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.8.0
        ssh-private-key: |

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The result is as follows:

Starting ssh-agent
Adding private key(s) to agent
Identity added: (stdin) (
Identity added: (stdin) (
Key(s) added:
3072 SHA256:EHYsJhMvV2X03sbEYcAH3w7MNft1lra8M/ZSF0XMr5k (RSA)
3072 SHA256:61EFfTJR56r9rX3u9EGG/HrvPcejWJTR0VLssfIpBzg (RSA)
Configuring deployment key(s)
Added deploy-key mapping: Use identity 'C:\Users\runneradmin/.ssh/key-43749e3def49002289a25278b6d8d5a0b8fed7f2c33f26750fe6233c114a1c39' for GitHub repository maroontress-tomohisa/private-repository-example
Added deploy-key mapping: Use identity 'C:\Users\runneradmin/.ssh/key-aabbaf196b10644a69c23360df933575c9e9d496cfc251dabf9b22ee13d7bea9' for GitHub repository maroontress-tomohisa/private-lfs-repository-example

Results in GitHub Actions

It's easier, but as a side effect, it starts ssh-agent in the background. Let's check it out in the next step:

    - name: List fingerprints
      shell: bash
      run: ssh-add -l

View on GitHub

The result is as follows:

3072 SHA256:EHYsJhMvV2X03sbEYcAH3w7MNft1lra8M/ZSF0XMr5k (RSA)
3072 SHA256:61EFfTJR56r9rX3u9EGG/HrvPcejWJTR0VLssfIpBzg (RSA)

Results in GitHub Actions

Let's also check the contents of git config and ~/.ssh/config:

    - name: Print git config
      shell: bash
      run: git config --global --list
    - name: Print ssh config
      shell: bash
      run: cat $HOME/.ssh/config

View on GitHub

The result is as follows:

    IdentityFile C:\Users\runneradmin/.ssh/key-43749e3def49002289a25278b6d8d5a0b8fed7f2c33f26750fe6233c114a1c39
    IdentitiesOnly yes

    IdentityFile C:\Users\runneradmin/.ssh/key-aabbaf196b10644a69c23360df933575c9e9d496cfc251dabf9b22ee13d7bea9
    IdentitiesOnly yes

Results in GitHub Actions

For git config, the number of entries has tripled from the previous section, but in addition to the SSH URL starting with, the HTTPS URL and the SSH+GIT URL starting with ssh:// are also subject to conversion. The rest is the same as described in the previous section, except using a hash value for the fake hostname.

Now let's clone it:

    - name: Clone the private repository (which fails)
      shell: bash
      continue-on-error: true
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1

View on GitHub

The result is as follows:

Cloning into 'private-repository-example'...
Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Error: Process completed with exit code 128.

Results in GitHub Actions

The description of webfactory/ssh-agent states that it generates ~/.ssh/known_hosts as follows:

This action

  • configures known_hosts for

However, it seems it doesn't work on Windows runners. Let's create the known_hosts and try again:

    - name: Perform workarounds
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
        cat << EOF > $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-rsa 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
    - name: Clone a private repository
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-repository-example/

View on GitHub

The result is as follows:

Cloning into 'private-repository-example'...
# An Example of Private Repository
Cloning into 'private-lfs-repository-example'...
# An Example of Private Repository with LFS
Archive:  private-lfs-repository-example/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-10-06 06:44 00000000  empty
--------          -------  ---                            -------
       0                0   0%                            1 file

Results in GitHub Actions

It succeeded. And now we can finally get down to business.


For serious use of webfactory/ssh-agent, you should copy (fork) the repository to your organization before using it. That eliminates the risk of an attacker hijacking the webfactory account, maliciously rewriting the marketplace actions, and stealing your private key and its private repository URL. Note that this story applies not only to webfactory but also to all third-party, except official GitHub actions.

For reference, the following is an example of how to configure the private repository that uses an action copied to your organization:

Setting up a private repository using actions

In Settings ➜ Actions ➜ General ➜ Actions permissions, select “Allow your-organization, and select non-your-organization, actions and reusable workflows” and save.

If you configure your private repository like this, your organization's actions (including copied third-party actions), official GitHub actions, and actions of “Marketplace verified creators” will be the only ones available. Specifying any other third-party actions will trigger an error when the workflow runs.

Alternatively, instead of copying it to your organization's repository, specifying the version with the SHA-1 hash is also secure. However, even in this case, you should be aware of the underlying business risk that the publicly available actions you rely on may suddenly disappear (e.g., the author may delete his repository, etc.). In addition, make sure that the action you are using has no dependencies that could cause problems, whether you use a private copy or a SHA-1 hash. For more information on security hardening, see the official document “Using third-party actions — Security hardening for GitHub Actions.”

Don't mix them up

Finally, let's check out the private repositories using a combination of marketplace actions/checkout and webfactory/ssh-agent. First, in preparation for checking out repository C with webfactory/ssh-agent, add your deploy key as follows:

    - name: webfactory/ssh-agent
      uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.8.0
        ssh-private-key: |
    - name: Perform workarounds
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
        cat << EOF > $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-rsa 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

View on GitHub

The result is as follows:

Starting ssh-agent
Adding private key(s) to agent
Identity added: (stdin) (
Key(s) added:
3072 SHA256:61EFfTJR56r9rX3u9EGG/HrvPcejWJTR0VLssfIpBzg (RSA)
Configuring deployment key(s)
Added deploy-key mapping: Use identity 'C:\Users\runneradmin/.ssh/key-aabbaf196b10644a69c23360df933575c9e9d496cfc251dabf9b22ee13d7bea9' for GitHub repository maroontress-tomohisa/private-lfs-repository-example

Results in GitHub Actions

All that we need to do now is to check out repository C. But before we do that, we check out repository B with actions/checkout:

    - name: Checkout a private repository with actions/checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4
        repository: maroontress-tomohisa/private-repository-example
        ssh-key: ${{secrets.PRIVATE_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY}}
        path: private-repository

View on GitHub

The result is as follows:

Syncing repository: maroontress-tomohisa/private-repository-example
Getting Git version info
Copying 'C:\Users\runneradmin\.gitconfig' to 'D:\a\_temp\d52f99d9-b40f-4405-a929-b1a18384d9db\.gitconfig'
Temporarily overriding HOME='D:\a\_temp\d52f99d9-b40f-4405-a929-b1a18384d9db' before making global git config changes
Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" config --global --add D:\a\try_out_github_actions\try_out_github_actions\private-repository
Initializing the repository
Disabling automatic garbage collection
Setting up auth
Determining the default branch
Fetching the repository
Determining the checkout info
Checking out the ref
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log -1 --format='%H'

Results in GitHub Actions

Success. Next, let's clone repository C:

    - name: List fingerprints after actions/checkout (which fails)
      continue-on-error: true
      shell: bash
      run: ssh-add -l
    - name: Clone another private repository with LFS (which fails)
      continue-on-error: true
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-lfs-repository-example/
        unzip -v private-lfs-repository-example/

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It would work without it, but in the step before git clone, we use ssh-add to check the status of ssh-agent. The result is as follows:

Error connecting to agent: Bad file descriptor
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.
Cloning into 'private-lfs-repository-example'...
Load key "C:\\Users\\runneradmin/.ssh/key-aabbaf196b10644a69c23360df933575c9e9d496cfc251dabf9b22ee13d7bea9": error in libcrypto Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Error: Process completed with exit code 128.

Results in GitHub Actions

The git clone failed. The preceding git-add -l also failed. The execution of actions/checkout has likely broken the state of the ssh-agent running in the background (the process exists, but the state of inter-process communication goes wrong).

Anyway, let's restart ssh-agent and clone it again as follows:

    - name: Perform more workarounds (kill ssh-agent to restart)
      shell: bash
      run: |
        eval `ssh-agent -k`
        # The following lines are placebos (because we can't unset env.*):
        echo SSH_AUTH_SOCK= >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
        echo SSH_AGENT_PID= >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
        # See
    - name: webfactory/ssh-agent
      uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.8.0
        ssh-private-key: |
    - name: List fingerprints (after restarting ssh-agent)
      shell: bash
      run: ssh-add -l
    - name: Clone another private repository with LFS
      shell: bash
      run: |
        git clone --depth 1
        cat private-lfs-repository-example/
        unzip -v private-lfs-repository-example/

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The result is as follows:

Agent pid 1650 killed;
Starting ssh-agent
Adding private key(s) to agent
Identity added: (stdin) (
Key(s) added:
3072 SHA256:61EFfTJR56r9rX3u9EGG/HrvPcejWJTR0VLssfIpBzg (RSA)
Configuring deployment key(s)
Added deploy-key mapping: Use identity 'C:\Users\runneradmin/.ssh/key-aabbaf196b10644a69c23360df933575c9e9d496cfc251dabf9b22ee13d7bea9' for GitHub repository maroontress-tomohisa/private-lfs-repository-example
3072 SHA256:61EFfTJR56r9rX3u9EGG/HrvPcejWJTR0VLssfIpBzg (RSA)
Cloning into 'private-lfs-repository-example'...
# An Example of Private Repository with LFS
Archive:  private-lfs-repository-example/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-10-06 06:44 00000000  empty
--------          -------  ---                            -------
       0                0   0%                            1 file

Results in GitHub Actions

After restarting ssh-agent, all the errors should be gone. Now, let's find out why these errors happen.

Why does actions/checkout break the ssh-agent running in the background? Reviewing the log for the actions/checkout step informs us of the following line:

▾Setting up auth
  "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" config --local core.sshCommand "\"C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe\" -i \"$RUNNER_TEMP/455b31bf-8bfa-4d87-bb2e-3d92b700ba9a\" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes -o CheckHostIP=no -o \"UserKnownHostsFile=$RUNNER_TEMP/455b31bf-8bfa-4d87-bb2e-3d92b700ba9a_known_hosts\""

Results in GitHub Actions

Surprisingly, actions/checkout uses C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe for SSH when you specify a deploy key. There are several implementations of SSH on Windows. However, the implementations of OpenSSH and Git for Windows are incompatible: you cannot use the ssh of OpenSSH and the ssh-agent of Git for Windows together. I haven't looked into the cause of the incompatibility. Still, perhaps the protocols used for inter-process communication are different (if so, why do they use the same environment variables? I'm not sure how that happened, but I'm pretty sure it's least respectable).

In summary, for Windows runners:

  • If you run ssh-agent from bash, the Git for Windows implementation runs by the PATH environment variable.
  • If you specify a deploy key, actions/checkout will make git use C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe as the SSH implementation.
  • OpenSSH's ssh.exe looks at the values of the SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID environment variables, judges that “the OpenSSH version of ssh-agent is running,” and starts inter-process communication. However, since it is the Git for Windows version of the agent that is running, the state is probably broken.

The following workarounds are available:

  • Ensure that the order is actions/checkout first and then ssh-agent (or webfactory/ssh-agent).
  • Use the OpenSSH version of ssh-agent (C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh-agent.exe).
  • Do not run ssh-agent if you are only using multiple deploy keys.

The first two options are likely to cause other confusion and should be discouraged. In the first place, webfactory/ssh-agent is intended to use ssh-agent, as its name implies. So it would be an abuse to use the action only to handle multiple deploy keys. Just a quick search, I couldn't find any action in the marketplace that only handles multiple deploy keys. If that's the case, it seems like it would be a good idea to create (and publish) the action myself.