Package com.maroontress.intexpr.impl

package com.maroontress.intexpr.impl
This package provides the implementation that must not be exported outside the module.
  • Class
    This class provides a tiny compiler that translates code written in the little language into Instructions that the Interpreter class can execute.
    This class provides the instruction that places an integer constant (as an operand) to a stack.
    The exception that the Interpreter throws when there is an attempt to divide an integer value by zero.
    The code that each operator executes.
    The instruction that the Interpreter runs.
    A function representing operation with a binary operator.
    A tiny interpreter that is an implementation of a stack machine, retrieves instructions from an iterator, and executes them.
    A function representing operation with a unary operator.
    Provides messages for exceptions that Compiler and Interpreter throw.
    Provides constants of opcodes to visualize the syntax tree.
    This interface provides the factory of an Executable object.
    This class provides the utility methods for operations.
    The instruction that pops the operand(s) from the stack, executes the function with the operand(s), and pushes the return value to the stack.
    This class provides the class objects of operators.
    This class represents the types of operators.
    The exception that the Interpreter throws when an arithmetic operation results in an overflow.
    This interface represents the operator wrapper temporally created while the Compiler creates the list of Instruction objects in Reverse Polish notation.
    This class represents the tree of SyntaxNode to visualize instructions in Reverse Polish notation.